A Yelp Review search for Steinway Pianos in NYC ranks Park Avenue Pianos as #1 in the Steinway Grand Piano category, using various data points. Although review sites are far from perfect, Park Avenue Pianos does make it a mission to focus on the long-term view with artists it works with, and cares a great deal about client satisfaction.

Review sites such as Yelp often help consumers in their search for better information. At Park Avenue Pianos, we believe that an educated consumer is our best customer. Although review sites are not always perfect, and sometimes reviews on the web do not reflect an individual's actual experience, outlets like Yelp have managed to aggregate different data points, customer feedback, and overall consumer satisfaction in an effort to inform users. At Park Avenue Pianos, the long-term mindset governs, and we care about our relationship with the customer long after the financial transaction has taken place. This philosophy has, in addition to making people very happy, helped us sustain our business in large part on a word of mouth basis. We are proud that many concert halls have chosen Park Avenue Pianos | Steinway Piano Reseller as their choice for Concert Grand Model D Steinways that are meant to last generations. Concert pianists like Michael Shinn (Juilliard Graduate and the current Dean at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee) and Jason Moran, Head of Jazz at the Kennedy Center, have chosen Park Avenue Pianos for their Steinway needs. We care about our clients' needs, we view our Artists as part of the Park Avenue Pianos family, and we know that the Steinway Piano chosen by an artist is one that they treasure on a daily basis for countless hours of music-making. We will keep working hard to maintain client satisfaction, and hope, with our deepest appreciation, that outlets like Yelp will continue to recognize our efforts in this regard.